May 27
May 29 pt 1
May 29 pt 2
May 29 pt 3
May 29 pt 4
May 29 pt 5
May 29 pt 6
May 29 pt 7
May 30 pt 1
May 30 pt 2
May 30 pt 3
May 30 pt 4
May 30 pt 5
May 30 pt 6
May 30 pt 7
May 30 pt 8
May 30 pt 9
May 30 pt 10
May 30 pt 11
May 30 pt 12


May 27th
"Everything Ready"
May 29th
"All Roads Will Lead"
May 29th
"Amplifiers To Carry Voices"
May 29th
"Former Senator"
May 29th
"Page Two"
May 29th
"Then Mr. Johnson"
May 29th
"Story The Camp"
May 29th
"Camp Merritt Memorial"
May 30th
"Twenty Thousand People"
May 30th
"Gen. Pershing"
May 30th
"Pershing's Address"
May 30th
"Memorial Presented"
May 30th
"Monument Acceited"
May 30th
"Sen. Johnson's Address"
May 30th
"Memorial Suggested"

May 30th
"Greater Than Expected"

May 30th
"To Honor the Dead"

May 30th
"The Flag Ceremony"

May 30th
"Praise For Siccardl"
May 30th
"Mr Miller Present"